How to Prevent Car Theft ?

You often come across people who say "No one would want to steal my car." Well, they could be wrong. Most stolen cars aren't brand new. Usually, they are slightly old. Common cars don't stand out and can be easily sold. The most stolen cars are the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and the Honda Civic.

The statistics are an eyeopener. There is a car stolen every 26 seconds in the US. Around 65% of all stolen vehicles are recovered, most of them in a damaged condition or with their vital parts removed. The number of arrests made is about one in eight. Most of the thefts occur on Friday's or Saturday's.

There is a misconception that insurance covers the entire cost of theft. It doesn't. The insurance company will finally shell out only the depreciated value of your car and not the replacement cost. Nevertheless, it is best to be properly insured.Whether or not they pay for repairs depends on the type of policy you have taken.

There are some practical ways to minimize the chances of your car been stolen. They are:

1. Lock your car properly when you leave it. Close all windows and the sunroof as well.

2. Don't leave valuables in the car in plain view. This attracts thieves and vandals who will simply smash your window and steal whatever they can.

3. Park your car in well lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic, or when possible in attendant lots.

4. Use your alarm and other anti-theft devices.

Registering with the National Vehicle Identification Program is free. They also help the police in tracking down stolen vehicles.

These small tips will go a long way towards protecting your car from being stolen.